Program Eligibility Criteria

Persons of Historic Significance

Nominated subjects in this category – either individuals or groups of people – must have been actively involved in The United Church of Canada or its predecessor Churches, or their work must have had a significant and demonstrable impact on the Church, its culture, or how the Church has evolved. Persons must have been deceased for 25 years or more at the time of nomination

Place or Site of Historic Significance

  1. Was or is significant in the history and culture of the Church
  2. Had or has a spiritual link to a specific group of people
  3. Has a clearly defined link to a Church custom or tradition

Event of Historic Significance

Nominated subjects in this category include: an action that occurred at a specific time and place (at least 25 years before nomination) that influenced the subsequent history of the United Church or its predecessor Churches, or expresses aspects of their culture, tradition, or heritage. An event can be regional in nature as long as it is representative of a broader national theme.

Distinctive Cultural Traditions and Practices (Intangible Culture)

  1. Church social practices, rituals, and festive events
  2. Church worship traditions and unique spiritual practices
  3. Performing arts, such as Church music, dance, and theatre

“United Church of Canada” includes its antecedent denominations: The Methodist Church of Canada, the Presbyterian Church of Canada (where these congregations and communities joined The United Church of Canada in 1925), the Congregational Churches and the Evangelical United Brethren.