Nomination Form HomeNominations Making a Nomination Nomination Form A- A A+ Search for: Order Number Before Completing the nomination form Check if the nomination meets the eligibility criteria. If you prefer to complete your nomination by paper copy through mail please contact the program coordinator/administrator to make a nomination: General Council Archivist The United Church of Canada Archives 40 Oak Street Toronto, Ontario M5A 2C6 416-231-7680 ext. 1101 Nominations are accepted at any time of the year. They will be reviewed on receipt by the Archives Circle of The United Church of Canada. Complete the following sections of the nomination form. Section A: Contact Information (Nominator) Section B: Identification of Nominated Subject Section C: General Statement of Significance Section D: Person Section E: Place Section F: Event Section G: Cultural Tradition or Practice Section H: Nomination Checklist Section A: Contact Information (Nominator) Name of Nominator * Contact Information: Nominator Address 1 Address 2 City Postal Code Website Province – Select Province/State – Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Northwest Territories Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon ==================== Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Phone Number Email * Nomination Support Date of Nomination Contact Information: Nomination Support Name of Contact * Phone Number Email * Contact Instructions Section B: Identification of Nominated Subject Who or what is being nominated? * Person: Individuals (must be deceased for 25 years or more at time of nomination) or group of people such as Institutions or organizations. Place: Churches, halls, sites, groups of buildings, districts, cultural landscapes. Event: Actions or happenings expressing the church’s culture, tradition, history or heritage and occurred at least 25 years prior to nomination. Cultural Traditions and Practices: Traditional knowledge, customs, art forms, rituals, social practices, festive events, craftsmanship, and expressions. Check only one category Section H: Nomination Checklist Program guidelines have been checked, my nomination meets the criteria . My contact information has been clearly indicated. What or who I am nominating has been clearly indicated. The category for which the nomination is being made is clearly indicated. ONLY ONE nomination has been include per Nomination Form. AT LEAST 1 IMAGE has been included for a successful web posting. Extra pages, photographs, plans, maps and other relevant background material required for the nomination been included. Contact information and letters from anyone directly affected by this nomination (eg. Pastoral Charge, Presbytery, Conference, owners of nominated property, etc.) has been included. I understand that the nomination process can take up to 18 months.