Nomination Form

Before Completing the nomination form

  1. Check if the nomination meets the eligibility criteria.
  2. If you prefer to complete your nomination by paper copy through mail please contact the program coordinator/administrator to make a nomination:
  3. General Council Archivist
    The United Church of Canada Archives
    40 Oak Street
    Toronto, Ontario M5A 2C6
    416-231-7680 ext. 1101

  4. Nominations are accepted at any time of the year. They will be reviewed on receipt by the Archives Circle of The United Church of Canada.
  5. Complete the following sections of the nomination form.

Section A: Contact Information (Nominator)
Section B: Identification of Nominated Subject
Section C: General Statement of Significance
Section D: Person
Section E: Place
Section F: Event
Section G: Cultural Tradition or Practice
Section H: Nomination Checklist

Section A: Contact Information (Nominator)

Contact Information: Nominator

Contact Information: Nomination Support